
Aerial Lyra Hoop Tape | Aerials Australia | Aerial Hoop Tape


yellow-aerial-tape-AustraliaPink-aerial-tape-Australiawhite-aerial-tape-Australia  Purple aerial lyra hoop tape Aerials Australiablack-aerial-tape-Australia Light-blue-aerial-tape-AustraliaGreen aerial lyra hoop tape Aerials Australia











The Aerials Australia, Aerial Lyra Hoop Tape is available in 5mtr x 5cm wide rolls rolls in select colours. Our Aerial Lyra/Hoop Tape is perfect for wrapping your Aerial Lyra or other aerial apparatus.  It comes in a 5mtr long x 5cm wide roll and will comfortably wrap a standard Aerial Lyra in the important high use areas, and is a comfortable cotton that will stick securely to your lyra!  we have the Longer options available in another listing in the Aerial Hardware section of the shop.

Note: To get the best wrap, ensure you wrap your lyra in two sections, from bottom to top on the left, and bottom to top on the right.
This ensures your tape will have a downwards overlay. *Don’t pull it tight when wrapping to avoid thinning.